The common housefly is a bothersome creature: We only ever notice it, when it disturbs us. The recurring noise of a fly that bumps against a window can be exasperating. Sonja Gangl engages extensively with the fly in her current artistic works. But what sparked her fascination with this mundane insect? We would like to pursue this question in this exhibition talk, by taking a closer look at Sonja Gangl’s artistic work and learning interesting and peculiar facts about the common housefly, Musca domestica. And who knows, maybe her works in the current exhibition “I borrowed optimism from the past” are capable of making you see the fly in a different light.
The format “Aspects” conveys insights into specific topics of our current exhibitions. For this purpose, we invite specialists from different fields, who will enable new perspectives on the artworks on display, in dialogue with the team of the Künstlerhaus.
Elisabeth Schrammel (*1985 Graz, lebt in Graz) has completed studies in botany, and a teaching degree in biology and environmental studies and psychology and philosophy. Currently she works as a tour guide at the natural history museum at the Universalmuseum Joanneum.