Under the provocative title "Censorship Now!" the singer (Chain & the Gang, The Make-Up, Nation of Ulysses, etc.), essayist, filmmaker, and actor (Moon Dust, Half-Cocked etc.) Ian Svenonius published his third and latest book. As a talented feature writer and pop theorist, he raises topics like the story of sugar, college-rock, vampirism, Ikea and the internet in a new, convincingly charming way. This evening, Ian Svenonius will read from a selection of the sixteen chapters of "Censorship Now!"
Furthermore, he will present his current music solo performance ESCAPE-ISM on the occasion of the opening of Sighs Trapped by Liars – Language in Art. With a beat box and a variety of different sound effects, Svenonius is creating dreamlike fractured "live collages" with his project, similar to a live sports broadcast on the frequencies of AM radio. Originally designed as a live performance to accompany the book tour promoting Svenonius’ "Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock ’n’ Roll Group" (Akashic 2013) , ESCAPE-ISM has since developed and is now sought out to play at a range of different events like openings, parties or conventions, always with an eclectic commitment. ESCAPE-ISM – best experienced with your eyes closed!