Stefan Geissler’s (“I Wanna Boogie with You,” piano/programming) and Christian Egger’s (vocals) project The first word + was on ice for seven years. Now, however, the band has made a new start. With fresh insights, they concentrate on honing their fragile, avant-garde pop, using selected cover versions to reveal tautological basic structures of pop classics, and prodding respectfully at the limits of genre.
De / En
10:30am Kultur-Kick-off brunch Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur Aktionstag 2014
7pm Curatorial talk and publication presentation "Moby Dick Filet" (Harpune Verlag, Vienna)
8pm Concert
The first word +
7 - 10pm Bar
Admission GIG: voluntary donation
11 20 2014 8 p.m.
The first word +

The first word +
© Walter Seidl
© Walter Seidl