Halle für
Kunst & Medien

Burgring 2
8010 Graz, Austria
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Press talk: July 2, 4pm
Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien

Opening: July 2, 7pm
Forum Stadtpark, Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz

Detailed program and registration:

07 02 2015  4 p.m.


Mobile Networks
Franziska Hederer, city-mobile chaperone
© balloon

Program: 02.07. - 18.07.2015, workshops, reading groups, walk & talks, performances, lectures, presentations, public seminars
Open Stage: 08.07.2015, 7pm, Tummelplatz and
15.07.2015, 7pm Uhr, Griesplatz

Camera Obscura-vehicle: on location in the frame of OPEN MODES GRAZ 2015 at all event locations in Graz

OPEN MODES GRAZ is established by

Akademie Graz
Camera Austria
esc medien kunst labor
Forum Stadtpark
Grazer Kunstverein
IZK Institut für zeitgenössische Kunst der TU Graz
Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien
< rotor >
Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz

Information/Registration: OPEN MODENS GRAZ 2015

OPEN MODES is a network project established by nine Graz-based institutions and initiatives exploring the changing notions of art education in the context of the reshaping conditions of „Bildung“. OPEN MODES 2015 looks into the (im)material and informal environments of Graz as educational tools. The two weeks program of workshops, reading groups, performances, lectures, presentations and public seminars is jointly organized to create an experimental platform for self empowered knowledge production and its transformation into a common resource.

The essence of OPEN MODES GRAZ 2015 constitutes a network of projects devoted to the practice and reflection of alternative forms of education in the realm of art. The general focus is on immaterial knowledge spaces and networks of the city of Graz. The program is designed as an open platform for pioneering educational methods and social debates within the field of visual arts.

The offerings of the OPEN MODES are located at the intersection of art, science and education and are aimed at enthusiasts of all generations. The particular target groups are students of artistic disciplines, artists, art teachers, cultural workers, sociologists, historians, writers and architects, who are interested in community development and public space within the city.

About the program of OPEN MODES GRAZ 2015:

The program will be inaugurated at Forum Stadtpark with the zweite liga für kunst und kultur’s performance “Private life with initial position, Episode 7: open mode an enterprise”. The potentially endless soap opera plays in a theme park that recreates different phases, aspects and disasters of public life in the early 21st century. Furthermore, a spokesperson will comment on the theme.

In order to visualize the connection between the different program points of the OPEN MODEES GRAZ 2015, Franziska Hederer’s “city-mobile chaperone“ emerges: a vehicle with a built-in Camera Obscura that shows inverted views of the surrounding urban everyday life. It will appear on the different event venues around the city of Graz, to collect information, insights and reflections in a performative way; but also to provide refreshments and to highlight meeting points.

On Wednesdays (July 7th and July 15th, 2015) the OPEN MODES GRAZ 2015 expands itself to the art scene of Graz by constructing Open Stages – two places for exchange, for temporary installations building and art labs construction. An open call invites to take part and construct further networking.

Local and international artists and theoreticians are invited to the various workshops and seminars. The goal is to investigate the city as a fluid and intangible institution by promoting different research ideas and experiments on art and education within urban areas.
The Forum Stadpark, with Cristian Forte, Mirella Galbiatti, Gines Olivares from Berlin in cooperation with Vera Hagemann and Franziska Hederer, investigate the image of the city in its fragmentation as a possible container for social, cultural and political ideas. Interested persons across generations and professions, who want to test themselves by using simple performative means in public space, are invited to participate.
esc medien kunst labor, with artist and programmer Denis Roio aka Jaromil, explores the everywhere present digital media zones of control as possible art-spaces for performances and temporary marking.
Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz joints efforts with Malaysian artist Janet Pillai on approaching multicultural communities: on this occasion the socio-cultural diverse environment of the Triestersiedlung in Graz becomes the central investigative object of the artist.
In cooperation with the guest critics Maruša Sagadin, Milica Tomić, Markus Wilfling, zweintopf Eva & Gerhard Pichler and other experts on crisis of the city of Graz, the workshop of Akademie Graz aims to develop a construction site around the Leechkirche: A penetrable settlement of small houses allows the viewer to experience the crises of the present. The work relates, in particular, to the refugees acceptance and the accommodations created for them.
Under the purview of linguistic/analytic and speculative attributions Heinrich Dunst (Wien) investigates at Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst und Medien the movement of images and words through media obtaining processual forms of objectification.
The IZK -Institute for contemporary art of the TU Graz questions „the scientific“ against the background of a socio-political context - contributors include Antonia Majaca in cooperation with Mohammed Salemy, Patricia Reed and Milica Tomić.
< rotor > centre for contemporary art invites the Berlin based artist group bankleer (Karin Kasböck und Christoph Leitner) to put the Volksgarten under the magnifying glass.
During the Grazer Kunstverein workshop British artist Nils Norman collaborates with the Graz artist Theresa Pasterk researching on the language of public space and the effectiveness of popular urban planning work.

Halle für Kunst & Medien

Burgring 2
8010 Graz, Austria