Halle für
Kunst & Medien

Burgring 2
8010 Graz, Austria
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For accredited Diagonale guests the tour is free. Otherwise, the regular admission will be charged. No reservation required.

03 15 2018  11 a.m.

The Remains of Cinema

Norbert Pfaffenbichler, Guided tour

during the Diagonale film festival

John Stezaker, Siren III, 2011
Collage, 23,7x20,8 cm, Courtesy Stolitzka Collection, Graz

The curator Norbert Pfaffenbichler will give exclusive insight into the exhibition "The Remains of Cinema." As part of the one-hour guided tour, the concept of the exhibition will be introduced and the works will be explained in detail. Historical material from the history of film will be presented alongside current positions in contemporary art dealing with the subject of film. The exhibition is for cineasts and audiences without previous experience alike.

Halle für Kunst & Medien

Burgring 2
8010 Graz, Austria