De / En
05.12.2014, 6pm
05.12.2014, 11am
Press talk
18.12.2014, 6pm
Curatorial talk
Artist book & Concert Lonely Boys 15.01, 7pm
Catalogue available
published by saxpublishers
CMRK Openings
6pm Künstlerhaus KM–
7pm Grazer Kunstverein
8pm Camera Austria
9pm < rotor > at Haus der Architektur
9:30pm < rotor >
All exhibitions are open on December 5th from 6 pm – 10 pm
Shuttle Service
€ 5,– each direction
Departure Vienna
05.12.2014, 3 pm
Stop Opera, bus 59a
Departure Graz
05.12.2014, 11.30 pm
< rotor >, Volksgarten
CMRK Guided tour on Saturday
On January 17th Andreas Spiegl is guiding through all four CMRK exhibitions.
Meeting point 3 pm, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien
Free admission
Closed 24.12.2014 - 01.01.2015
12 06 2014 — 01 22 2015
Philipp Timischl
They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don’t wanna see them again.

Philipp Timischl, They were treating me like an object. As if I were some sextoy or shit. I don’t wanna see them again., 2014
Installation, 29 printed banners, comissioned soundtrack (cover version of Linkin Park’s “Rebellion” by Daphne Ahlers) 20 min, 5 fog machines
Installation, 29 printed banners, comissioned soundtrack (cover version of Linkin Park’s “Rebellion” by Daphne Ahlers) 20 min, 5 fog machines