The seventh edition of the fanzine series accompanied Ulrike Königshofer’s (born 1981 in Koglhof, Styria, lives in Vienna) exhibition Dinge, die andere Dinge sind in the Raum D exhibition format “Starting from Hystyria.“ The publication offers an insight into the shown works and their genesis. The artist’s works analyze the photographic image and his apparently immediate representative mimetic character, which is associated to the photographic medium and show it beyond its documentary function of recording bygone reality. In this representation, the materiality in the interaction with physical processes, as well as the subjective and constructive process of perception is focused.
De / En

32 pages, numerous illustrations in black and white, German/English
Edited by Sandro Droschl with a text by Christian Egger, 2015
Concept and graphic design by Nik Thoenen and Maia Gusberti
Fanzine #7